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Michelle Murray


Trustee and CEO


Michelle Murray is Chief Executive and Executive Principal of the Education Learning Trust.


Until March 2017, Michelle was Executive Headteacher at Gatley Primary School. 


Michelle is a National Leader of Education (NLE). Her NLE work involves supporting and monitoring underperforming schools in an OFSTED category, alongside wider stakeholders. She has a track record of working with schools to address weaknesses so they progress towards good or better.


She is actively involved in the Greater Manchester Strategic Partnership Group, working to promote school improvement.


Michelle has been an OFSTED Additional Inspector. Previously, Michelle has developed her leadership experience in headships in two previous schools in contrasting areas of the North West. Michelle has also developed curriculum materials and training within her role as an Advisory Teacher with schools, at a national level. Michelle is also a member of the National Executive committee for ASPE (Association for the Study of Primary Education).



Term of Appointment:


ex officio


Trustee area(s) of responsibility:


Chief Executive Officer and Accounting Officer


Declaration of Business and / or Financial interests:


Association for the Study of Primary Education (ASPE) - Member of National Executive Board

Advisory Board for Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy, UCL

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