John Novak
Vice Chair of Trustees
John has significant experience in leadership and management across the education sector. John was a Headteacher, a Local Authority Adviser, OFSTED Inspector, Teacher Trainer and an Independent Education Consultant. His breadth of roles have provided him with a significantly wide educational perspective which enables his advice and support to be tailored and specific.
John has worked extensively in both the maintained and independent sectors across the country and internationally. He has demonstrated an understanding of the importance of innovation, implementation and evaluation in order to sustain improvement, momentum and also to achieve challenging goals. He has the ability to work effectively with senior managers to bring about real school improvement. He combines a wealth of experience and a clear understanding of good and outstanding school practice in which he can contextualise his advice. Along with the interpersonal skills to develop highly effective partnerships, this critical friend approach ensures that whilst acknowledging and celebrating success and high performance, he is able to establish a focus on key areas of improvement, which are both challenging and motivational to leaders.
Term of Appointment:
15 March 2019 - 14 March 2027
Appointed by:
Trust Board
Trustee area(s) of responsibility:
Vice Chair of Trustees
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
Chair of the Standards and Curriculum Committee
Member of the Finance, Resources, Audit and Risk Committee