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K. Jane Wallace




Jane has recently relocated from Saddleworth in Greater Manchester, to Stokesley, North Yorkshire and retired from her role as an education consultant.


Jane has a proven record of sustained and successful leadership and management in education, spanning more than thirty-five years. During this time, her aspiration -  to support a school-led system to engender a love a learning in all children and to enable them to appreciate the value of their contribution in society – has been realised through her engagement in a wide variety of educational experiences. Together, these experiences have fostered a huge respect for others; a deep understanding of the importance of collaboration in achieving the best outcomes; the ability to review evidence, to reflect and to be open-minded.


Working with Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) over the last ten years she was pro-active in developing and refining a fully integrated Quality Assurance model to support schools in becoming self-sustaining and self-improving within a school-led system, and this – or elements of it – were used within the MATs within which she worked, to ensure relevant support and challenge at all levels. She has also been involved in supporting the appraisal process for CEOs and Heads of School/Headteachers and carrying out elements of due diligence and Reviews of Governance.


As an Operational Associate with the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), she was involved in the Quality Assurance of National College programmes and their facilitation, including aspects of the NPQH. She has also been involved in the assessment of National Leaders of Governance, their induction and training and the supervision and accreditation of coaches deployed by the National College to support Trainee Headteachers in achieving the NPQH.


During the course of her work as an Associate of the NCTL, including that undertaken within the Greater Manchester Leadership Strategy, she brokered partnerships between Local Authorities and individual organisations; offered coaching supervisory support to Local, National and Middle Leaders of Education, and evaluated the impact of their deployments on improving outcomes for children and young people.


As Headteacher and system leader, supporting ‘Key to Success’ schools in challenging circumstances, to achieve judgements of ‘Good’ in their Ofsted inspections, were particularly rewarding experiences. Supporting the implementation of structures, systems and processes and developing reflective and empowering cultures resulted in consistently high attainment for all pupils, and happy, well-motivated learning communities.


During this time, she also worked with Senior LA personnel, across Greater Manchester, to implement collaborative structures across schools and other local government organisations; planned and implemented both LA and local area strategy as Local Collaborative and Collaborative Executive Chair and successfully mentored Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers new to role, in line with succession planning strategies.


Term of Appointment:


18 January 2023


Appointed by:


Trust Board


Declaration of Business and / or Financial interests:



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